The current linear food system is ripe for disruption into a Circular Economy. I would argue that changing our food systems is one of the most impactful things we can do to address climate change, improve health and nutrition, rebuild biodiversity, and lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. Impact investing will always mean different things to different people. It took us a while to define what it means for Mandala. There are three questions we always ask ourselves to help us think through this:
What is the Impact we are trying to make?
Sustainable and scalable Impact across the food value chain.
Why are we choosing this type of Impact?
Because we feel that Food and Agri is the most impactful sector to influence the things we consider important, such as climate change, rural development, soil health, water conservation, health and nutrition.
How are we making or contributing to this Impact?
By investing in companies with a shared philosophy, by finding investments that enhance the Impact we are trying to achieve, by tracking and monitoring our Impact effect, and by encouraging better Impact standards post-investment.
I am encouraged by the iterative process we have followed so far to arrive at our current understanding and definition of Impact and excited about the years ahead as we continue to learn from what others are doing in this space, while continuously evolving our own thinking on the best way to define and implement Impact investing.